
Bitcoin Cash Upgrade History

Explore the full history of upgrades from 2009 through today and into the future!

Future Upgrades in Early Development

Transaction Version 5 (TXv5)

This proposal introduces a version 5 transaction format with benefits including: zero-overhead covenants, detached ("cross-input") signatures, comprehensive malleability protection, efficient covenant UTXO recycling, fractional satoshis, fractional CashTokens.

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UTXO FastSync + UTXO Committments

This proposal defines a method for nodes to generate, distribute, validate, and consume UTXO snapshots via the BCH P2P network. These snapshots allow for new peers to synchronize to the current state of the network without processing the entire blockchain block-by-block.

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Zero-Confirmation Escrows

Zero-Confirmation Escrows (ZCEs) are contracts which enable instant, incentive-secure payments on Bitcoin Cash. They’re particularly useful in point-of-sale, ATM, and vending applications where payers have no prior or ongoing relationship with the payee.

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Bounded Looping Operations

This proposal includes two new BCH virtual machine (VM) operations, OP_BEGIN and OP_UNTIL , which enable a variety of loop constructions in BCH contracts without increasing the processing or memory requirements of the VM.

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Function Evaluation (OP_EVAL) would let Bitcoin Cash contracts be efficiently factored into reusable functions. Optimizes contract sizes for finite field arithmetic, pairing-based crypto, ZKP systems, homomorphic encryption, post-quantum crypto, and many other applications.

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Pay to Script

Pay to Script (P2S) improves wallet ecosystem safety, simplifies contract design, and reduces transaction sizes for vault, multi-party, and DeFi applications.

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Merkle Header Commitment for Enhanced SPV Scalability

This CHIP proposes adding a Merkle tree commitment of all block headers to BCH, with the Merkle root embedded in each block’s coinbase transaction enabling simplified payment verification (SPV) clients to verify past block headers and transactions using a single root and compact proofs, reducing sync data from ~72MB to under 15kB plus a single root and proof.

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Faster Blocks for Bitcoin Cash

This CHIP proposes cutting block times from 10 minutes to 2 minutes to boost transaction reliability, accelerate confirmations, refine DeFi precision, and smooth miner rewards while preserving BCH’s scalability, security, and decentralization. Additionally, this CHIP seeks to future-proof the protocol such that future potential upgrades (such as TailStorm or even faster blocks) would be far simpler to implement.

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Other Upgrades in Discussion


This proposal is a change to transactions in order to allow us to move from 8 digits dividing a whole Bitcoin Cash to add several more.

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This proposal could offer fast sub-block confirmations (10 seconds for a sub-block) without negative impact to orphan rates that plain block time reduction would incur.

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2026 Protocol Update Ideas

A discussion thread of what should be prioritized next on the Bitcoin Cash network!

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Bitcoin Cash Research Forum

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